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Podcasts -- Public Engagement
The following are recordings of conversations around medical AI and technology being discussed on the social network platform Clubhouse. Each session we focus on 1 or 2 academic papers (refer to reference section). If you are interested in being on our regular podcasts, please get in touch with Dr Vince Vardhanabhuti.
AI Wellness EP1
Can a brain MRI predict your body weight?
How deep learning can learn from the MRI images?
00:00 / 05:23
00:00 / 06:12
Reference link
Result, discussion and limitation of the paper
00:00 / 09:29
00:00 / 05:17
00:00 / 07:11
Future Potential of Deep Learning with Medical Images
00:00 / 05:11
00:00 / 00:53
00:00 / 04:55
00:00 / 01:31
Concerns of data usage
00:00 / 05:20
Purpose of the study
00:00 / 00:40
00:00 / 01:10
Concern of data usage
00:00 / 01:15
Can AI observe more than a human can?
00:00 / 11:56
Limitation of the paper
00:00 / 06:31
00:00 / 02:05
Future expectation of AI
00:00 / 03:11
00:00 / 02:05
AI Wellness EP2
Wearables and activity trackers for diagnosing COVID-19
Introduction & Reason why this JC is created
00:00 / 02:32
00:00 / 03:37
00:00 / 02:31
How wearable devices can help with detecting Covid-19 cases and the result of the study
00:00 / 07:22
00:00 / 01:03

The usefulness of the data and the potential of using wearable devices for detecting other condition
00:00 / 07:47
00:00 / 14:32
00:00 / 01:38
Suggestions for improvements of the study
00:00 / 02:51
00:00 / 04:38
Other application of the wearable devices and how much can we trust them?
00:00 / 01:16
00:00 / 00:41
00:00 / 01:09
Ethical concerns for data collection
00:00 / 04:18
00:00 / 01:54
00:00 / 02:33
00:00 / 08:55
Comparison between test kits and wearable devices
00:00 / 01:59
00:00 / 04:20
AI Wellness Ep 3
Can A Picture of Your Eye Predict Gender?
Introduction of speakers
00:00 / 03:43
00:00 / 01:16
00:00 / 01:37

The findings of the paper
00:00 / 03:10
00:00 / 02:37
Questions and discussion regardsing the paper
00:00 / 02:33
00:00 / 02:10
00:00 / 06:10
Previous studies related to the viewing of retina for pathological changes and future potential for other pathological predictions
00:00 / 06:40
00:00 / 07:20
Aging and biological clocks
00:00 / 03:45
00:00 / 03:34
00:00 / 03:40
Devices that helps with taking fundus image and the current limitations in taking good fundus photos
00:00 / 04:13
00:00 / 06:33
Longevity prediction using AI and medical images
00:00 / 02:35
00:00 / 02:09
How to get involved in AI for medical students and the future directions for courses within the department
00:00 / 05:19
00:00 / 06:09
AI Wellness Ep 4
Chronological VS Biological age - Can we reverse aging?
00:00 / 01:56
The point of view of aging from the general public and scientists
00:00 / 04:14
00:00 / 00:47
00:00 / 04:53
00:00 / 02:15

Reference link
The difference between life span and heath span
00:00 / 07:22
00:00 / 04:36
Is aging a condition or an illness? How do we measure biological aging?
00:00 / 03:01
00:00 / 04:30
00:00 / 04:11
00:00 / 05:11
How to improve the current research on aging?
00:00 / 02:28
00:00 / 07:05
00:00 / 02:14
00:00 / 00:30
00:00 / 04:44
00:00 / 02:22
Can scientists do more about it?
00:00 / 04:28
00:00 / 05:25
00:00 / 03:59
How to measure biological age part 2
00:00 / 01:49
00:00 / 05:26
00:00 / 03:11
00:00 / 01:07
AI Wellness Ep 5
Biological age prediction using deep learning and Why?
Introduction of the speakers
00:00 / 06:56
00:00 / 20:56
The recap of the concept of Biological and chronical age
00:00 / 05:25
00:00 / 04:10

Reference link
Introduction of the paper
00:00 / 03:46
00:00 / 04:23
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